Love & Service

In Loving memory of my dear friend, Steve Maggetti.

The term “Service” can have a variable of definitions. But here are some of my favorite meanings:

-Being of Service can be the simple act of helping others. 

Or, it can have a deeper meaning and dedication. 

-Being of Service can be a lifelong dedication and commitment to helping others. 

-Being of Service can be an expression of love. Loving without speech but in actions and truth. 

The root word to service is serv, coming from Latin where it has two meanings. 

Serv, where it has the meaning of “slave” and is found in such words as: deserve, servant, serve, servitude, etc. OR. Serv, where it has the meaning of “save” and is found in such words as: conservation, preservation, reserve, observe, conserve, etc. Interesting. Isn’t it? Once we start analyzing the aspects of it.

Love & Service was initially inspired by a dear friend who has passed. It was Sunday, May 5th, I was eagerly ready to hear the Gospel and to encounter everything the Holy Spirit had for me; so that I could share it with my friend. Happy and excited to say the least while still adding some depth to the feeling. 

The message could not have been more clear. (John 15:9-17) Jesus said to his disciples: “As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love. Love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this.” This sparked the vision of love through service. The mind was racing. All the examples I had been able to witness. My friend's face had come to the forefront of it all. The excitement to share this experience of gratitude and how it applied in the ways I knew him was exploding from within. I arrived at his home. Sadly I was unable to see him. It had not been a good morning for him and his family needed to focus on his care. *Note: My dear friend had been diagnosed with cancer a couple years back and had been recently placed on hospice care.*  My heart instantly flashed back to the prior Sunday. Clenching on to the vision of our last visit together. Feeling peace and gratitude to have sat across from him. Holding his hand and being fully in that moment of love and appreciation with him. Boy did my hands shake, but they had never been more steady. Loving sentiments were exchanged and I was more than a little emotional. Immediately stating, that “these were not tears of sadness friend! But tears of joy!”

One of the many characteristics that I loved about my friend was his mindset. And his mindset always seemed to be on point. His wisdom and care always felt  so genuine, sure and authentic. Something you could count on. And it was easily felt. The way he spoke. The way he carried himself. It was all a reflection of his person and deeper purpose. I can only testify to the relationship and connection of my friendship with him. As he was many things to many people. He was a loving husband and partner of 40 years. A father. A brother. A friend. A mentor. A leader. A giver. A healer. A true disciple. And all through his illness he never gave up and he never stopped being any of these things. He may have stumbled but from my moments with him, he was always ready to deal with what he needed. No Matter What (NMW). An acronym he was accustomed to wearing and an acronym he learned to live out.  My friend would say he was blessed with two lives, his past life and his sober one. I had always known my friend in his sober life and the friendship we were able to cultivate will always be one of my most cherished connections.  His road to redemption is a separate story, one I don’t know enough about to comment on, but I do know a bit of how he lived. How he shared so much of himself to those who wanted to listen. Sharing grief and pain, but also the courage to feel it and express it.  Giving back to others in such a genuine way.  Let love be sincere. - Rom 12:9-16 

All these thoughts that had been racing through my mind. Thoughts and feelings that I wanted to express to him. Love & Service. That was him. That is who I got to experience. That is who I was honored to have met. He was my mentor in countless ways. And although this moment of gratitude and expression initially started with him, he was also a catalyst so that I could see it and embrace it all around me. Thank you, friend. Thank you for teaching me still. Thank you for all your Love & Service. Thank you for choosing service in the definition of “save” versus “slave”. Thank you for making the choice every day to hold on to your center. Thank you for your constant gratitude and humility. Thank you for sharing your struggles and healing with others and those all around in the community. Thank you for sharing your imperfections.  Thank you for living your truth. Thank you for leaving a clear path  for others to follow in Love & Service. 

I love you Mr. Maggetti. It has been an honor to share love and gratitude with you. A piece of you will always be a part of me. NMW. 

-Bela Rose

Rest in peace friend.  Steve Maggetti 12/09/1946 - 05/08/2024

**Special Thank you to Kevin A & Josh B for their wonderful episode on The 4th Step podcast. The episode was perfect.I’ve listened to this more than a few times. Linked here:
